Whenever you cull obsolete or worn-out books and materials from your collection, or transfer surplus materials to another school, Destiny collects and stores information about those copies.
The Weeding Log gives you a list of those copies, grouped by the date they were weeded, deleted or transferred.
The report groups the information by date and includes the number of copies weeded each day.
For each included copy, the report includes the following information.
For the title:
The totals at the bottom include the following information:
The report is sorted and grouped by the date weeded, most recent date first. It is secondarily sorted by title, then author.
If multiple copies of a particular title were removed, they are sorted by Call Number (library and district media copies) or Location (textbook copies), and then by Copy Status.
The report differentiates between the methods used to remove the copies:
Weeded: These are copies that you deleted on any of the pages in the Catalog, listed below, and selected the Track as weeded checkbox in the confirmation message. Destiny assumes that you had the book in hand or had scanned the barcode, having pulled it from the shelves.
Deleted: These are copies that you deleted on any of the pages listed below. They include transferred copies that never arrived, copies exported in bulk, and lost copies deleted in Inventory. It does not include copies lost by patrons.
Transferred: These are copies you sent to another school within the district. Transfers appear on the report for the school that sent the copies to the other school. On a district-wide report, however, these copies do not appear because they remain in the district.
View this log when ordering replacement materials, creating budgets and year-end reports, or when accounting for materials or funds spent.
If you need to weed your collection, a Title & Copy List can help. You can limit the report to just the copies that have not circulated in a while: Choose one of the Show Titles options that include copies; select the Circulation statistics and Only show copies that circulated checkboxes; and limit the statistics to Less than 1 time(s) This year.
To view the checkout history for any particular copy, retrieve it in Copy Status in Circulation.